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  1. Improved Token Management
    • Enhanced Refresh Token Logic: Resolved an issue where expired tokens could cause multiple refresh requests simultaneously. Now, only a single refresh attempt is made, preventing forced logouts and improving reliability.
  2. Customizable Map Settings
    • Map Style Options: Users can now save their preferred map style, selecting between “satellite” and “roadmap” views for Google and overlay maps, with compatibility for previously saved settings.
  3. Map Type Selector: Added a new dropdown in map settings, allowing users to choose from ROADMAP, SATELLITE, HYBRID, and TERRAIN views.
  4. Enhanced Map Rotation and Visibility
    • Rotation Improvements: Rotation settings now apply only to map types that support rotation, improving stability and performance on image-only maps.
    • Info Window Default Visibility: Info windows are now hidden by default to provide a clearer view while placing pins, enhancing the user experience.
  5. Improved Marker and Search Functionality
  6. Marker Placement: Updated marker placement to prevent unintended placements along lines.
  7. Search Enhancements:
    • Fixed issues with default filters in Google Maps.
    • Improved search behaviour for items without info windows.
    • Enhanced display of “no results” messages for clearer feedback.
  8. Label System Improvements
  9. Advanced Label Management: Implemented a new system for label sizing, movement, and placement, providing greater accuracy and consistent visibility across zoom levels.
  10. Enhanced Editing Tools
    • Shape, Label, and Marker Editing:
      • Google/Overlay Maps: Users can now move shapes and markers, with label movement functionality in progress.
      • Image Maps: Movement of markers and labels is complete, with shape movement in progress.